Is The “Medicare And You” Handbook Important?

Yes. The Medicare and You Handbook is an essential guide and a primer for anyone who is new to Medicare or who wants a helpful resource to refer to when preparing to sign up for a new plan or check whether or not a service, test, or item is covered.

You can access the handbook online through the Medicare website. The book is updated every year with new information and any changes that were made in the past legislative season.

Handbook Contents

The handbook explains the parts of Medicare, tells you your Medicare options, and explains the process of signing up, comparing plans, and updating your coverage. It also offers helpful resources so you can save money on your prescription drug program and other out-of-pocket costs. All of these sections are elemental to Medicare and forming an understanding for a new Medicare beneficiary. We recommend that the family members of loved ones who are having trouble with Medicare read through the handbook as well so that they can gain an understanding of the program and guide their loved ones.

Handbook Highlights

An essential component of the Medicare and You handbook is the “find out if Medicare covers your item or service” section. This is an index of every covered service under Medicare Part A and Part B that you can use as a reference. While you could individually search for the items using the Medicare website or the mobile app, this portion of the handbook serves as a handy reference that takes the question out of your coverage.

Are you unclear on Medicare beyond Parts A and B? The Medicare and You Handbook provides detailed explanations of Medicare Advantage plans, Medicare Part D prescription drug plans, and Medicare Supplement plans. With the handbook sections, you can learn the difference between these parts of Medicare, learn about the coverage options they provide, get to know the costs associated with each part, and learn how to enroll in each type of plan.

Enrollment with Medicare can be tricky to understand. This handbook spends 10 pages explaining the process to you. Particularly important are the different enrollment periods, which stay the same each year. You need to know when to renew or switch Medicare Advantage plans every year, so read up on this part. Enrollment periods are also critical to avoid late enrollment penalties. Late enrollment penalties for Part B and Part D last for as long as you hold coverage, costing you a lot of money over time. It is best to pay attention to when you are eligible to enroll so you can sign up for coverage without incurring a penalty.

Handbook Benefits

The Medicare and You Handbook is a detailed guide to all things Medicare, but in an easy-to-understand format that is digestible for the most senile of readers. All Medicare beneficiaries should utilize this handy guide to keep you up to date and in the know when it comes to your coverage.

Are you looking for even more information about Medicare or your coverage? Contact Healthcare Solutions Direct for the answers to your Medicare questions.